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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


well i taking a break from that crazy study time and do bit of updates here..
well great thanks to renwei for organising music dreamer live! cafe.. finally get to go there with them.. although not many people from our la liang went..
who went? curious? let photo do the talking...

yup short and not many photo taken.. but well its really a relaxing night...
ok not going to write more... the more relax i am the more stress i will be later on.. hell lots and tons to catch up...
imma adding a catch phrase for our blog which is..
rmb... no matter what you do, what things happens...

Princess Adeline is here.......!!~ =D

Testing testing 1, 2 , 3.... =D

HAHAHA!!! It's me Princess Adeline Victoriababy aka Small Boss of Jervon... LOL...

Seriously, i got nothing to say here... Whatever i wanna say is in my personal blog... heehee...

All Princess's friends may drop by to peep at my blog at www.wretch.cc/mypage/leeadeline for any of my royal updates... *laughing like hell*

No idiots and assholes are welcome / invited okay...!! *oOp* LOL... *wow*

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

HaPPy BirThDaY My BaBy, Renwei!!

Happy 24th Birthday DearDear!! Hope you like all the presents and surprises!! LOL *Muacks!!*

hello kitty trip

hi guys the hello kitty trip was so so .. i could sae hmm i think is a wonderful one ... went ard chinese garden to take photos

sad to sae it rain suddently, jas got herself all wet and dear and i are dry haha

we went to boon lay for dinner(supper) after that ....

the food was not as good as the last time :( sian!!!!

Monday, September 08, 2008

thankyou guys !!!

hey guys thanks for all the surprices that you all gave me hmmm
i really have a lot of fun although i am sick on that dae
(down with terrible flu and headache)

once again thank you especially my dear !!!!


the next day guess wht , we went out again for lanten fest at city hall ..

hmm .. i could sae this our once in out life carry lanten at city area

i THink we all had a very fun and enjoyable time ba !!!!!!!

Friday, September 05, 2008

dAeS Are DrAwinG NeAr DuDes

wow !!! sian going 24 of age Haiz ... i really hope back to primary school dayes where i still a gong gong boi dun know wht happened ... this year quite a lot of thngs happening to me . can sae all the happy ones, sad ones, angry ones. however i still have my dear ....

wht can i sae , life are short . so treasure wht u have
now .

anyway year 2009 ending soon . guys cumbateh . wo hui zai ni meng ho mian tui ni meng yi ba de . JIA YOU !!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


since there is nth currently i shall add somethiing..

welcome to this newly constructed blog for us all old time frds, best of the best frds or whatever you like to call it..

in this blog, it will contain beautiful memories for us, things we wish to share or anything which i cant think of as of current..

talking about inserting memories, lets start with the most current...

bowling.... wow.. we had a game of bowling...
that was llike ages since we bowled.... everyone put on their best shot or if not, acceptable cool stylish go at the bowl.... numbers are not to be told... private and confdential muahahah...for us to know for you to find out.. feeling frustrated and demand to know abt it? ask our council members.... we will have a voting session for it wahaha....which means.... wait long long till someone decide to put it up.. :P

went to lau pa sat....the transition from bowl to lau pa sat is indeed enlightening....amazing how the street connect to each other..seen how some roads are connected.. dun be surprised... its all careful planned...

thanks to renwei, we got to our place in comfy.. parked at market street carpark i guess cant rmb the building name..
full strength present at later part.... so good... for a change, we settled down inside instead of our usual outside seats everytime we visited there for those food.. two round tables looking like an eye from the top view is soon filled with foods.... private and confidential again to what we ordered.... :)

and one thing......

happy birthday to renwei ........

joyous day for ya.. :)
hope you enjoy that day....